We Chose VCA!

The Bauer Family

We chose VCA because we wanted a Christian, faith based education for our son, who just finished his Kindergarten year, and for our other children when they are old enough as well. We have wonderful friends who were also going to VCA from our church and they told us more about it, and so that helped finalize our decision to send our son to VCA! We're so thankful we did!

The McCarthy Family

This is our 5th year here at VCA, and we are so thankful. We have been at VCA since the beginning with two of our three kids here now. We are so thankful that there is a school in Sonoma County that teaches the Biblical Christian values, and puts Christ first in all that they do and say. We are very blessed. We love the staff and teachers. They love the kids. They invest their time to shepherd the children's hearts. We love that we can partner with this school that will help our kids grow closer to Christ, and that is the most important reason why we chose VCA. We also love the parent involvement, and that we can be a part of that. We want to see the school thrive, so come join us!

Kima Bundard - Elementary Teacher

I chose VCA, but really God chose VCA for me. I was ready for a change and the Lord asked me to look at private schools in the area, and VCA had the perfect position available for me, and it all worked out.

The Buenrostro Family


The Buenrostro Family chose VCA As a Christian family, our idea was always to give our child an education based on Jesus. When we came to Santa Rosa Bible Church (SRBC) and became a part of this beautiful family we saw the blessing that Mateo could attend Rincon Valley Christian School (RVCS). He attended from pre-k until the school closed. It was a hard time and we had to move him to a public school which at the same time was a great experience because we were able to meet families and share the gospel.

After two years we could see that there is nothing more important than to have our son keep growing in knowledge based on Christ and we reconsidered returning to VCA. Now we feel safer knowing he is in an environment where teachers and staff rest in the Lord.

VCA has been one big blessing from God , thank you for all your hard work.

The Schiele Family


We have been very blessed to find VCA. We are from this area and had been in public school after private pre-school. With everything going on in the world we knew it was time to take our children’s education into our own hands but weren’t sure which avenue to go down to accomplish that feat. I had researched many other schools in the area and after speaking with the amazing administrators at VCA who were so welcoming and inviting to go above and beyond to answer every question I had and offer so much love and support from the very beginning, I felt a strong connection already. I finally found what I was searching for. They took the time to understand our family's search and help us make the right choice for our family, even if that meant VCA would not be the right fit for us. (It was.)

This amazing community of loving and caring educators wanted what we wanted for our children, a school partnership with parents, to give our children the best foundation in education and the best building blocks for life ahead. "Grounded in Christ and Ready for the World."

I know the Lord has brought us here because it's where we are meant to be. This was the beginning path leading our family back to church for the first time since having children. The blessing this brought to our lives is indescribable. It started with VCA and has completely changed our lives for the better. I believe in the plans God has for us and am eternally grateful for this wonderful new community we have found.

The teachers, staff, families, and PSO (parent staff organization), have made such a positive impact in our lives that we cannot thank them all enough for the blessing they have been and continue to be in our lives. Thank you all so much for everything you do!

The Elkins Family


Our family took a huge leap of faith when we moved to California from Indiana in the fall of 2021. One of our biggest concerns would be where we sent our children to school. We stepped into an incredible church community and of course asked for recommendations, VCA being the resounding answer from the majority of our new friends!

After enrolling our oldest, Lark, in 1st grade, we quickly saw why VCA was trusted by many. The staff & teachers made her transition seamless and now she is thriving, learning & loving every day! We are happy to send her to a school that feels both professional & familial. I look forward to partnering with VCA in the years to come for all 3 of my kids’ education!

The Perry Family


The Perry Family chose VCA We chose VCA for our son not only for the smaller class sizes, but also so that he could be surrounded by people of faith. We love how the Bible is woven into their assignments and different subjects. He's made some great friends this first year here, and the staff and teachers are so warm and welcoming. In fact my son recently said about his 4th grade teacher, "She's the best teacher I've ever had. And definitely the nicest." Now that’s a ringing endorsement! We’re thrilled to continue his education at this wonderful school.

Rob Schietz - HS Teacher

I joined VCA because I wanted to have a career that made a positive impact on our community. I had been following VCA’s progress and it sounded like it was honoring God and doing good work. So, when I found out they were hiring, I had to apply. At my interview I knew it was a great fit. The strong community and the dedication to the truth of God was clear and evident. I knew I was home. I immediately knew working along side the godly staff was what I needed to do. By God’s grace and His providence I was hired to join the team last school year. While there were ups and downs in that year it was a blessing. The staff is great! I have loved getting to know everyone. It’s a joy to serve alongside godly people dedicated to raising up the next generation of the church. And then there are the students. They are a blast to work with. We also had our ups and downs but overall it was a blessing to teach them. I am excited to see how God continues to work on their lives. I love teaching at VCA! And I know my son is in good hands starting kindergarten this fall. VCA is a great school with a great staff and great community.

The Mascitelli Family


We chose VCA from across the country! Our family made the decision to move from Orlando, FL to Santa Rosa, CA for more outdoor adventures and opportunities for our children during this unprecedented year. First on our to do list was to find a school to enrich the kids academically, spiritually, and socially. We had very high expectations. After researching online and speaking to the community, we found VCA. The warm welcome we received and the school's agenda was exactly what we were looking for. We feel so blessed in our acceptance to VCA and can’t wait for the children to attend this winter!

The Hunstock Family


I toured all the elementary schools near my home and never felt content with what I saw. I always thought of the compromises I would have to make if we attended. When I toured VCA I almost cried as it was everything I was hoping to find in a school for my kids: small school where each child/family is known, personal relationships with faculty/staff and other families, the feeling of community and people supporting one another actively, highly motivated and dedicated staff with sincere desire to see their school/students flourish, beautiful campus, education focused, and the ability to talk about morals and spiritual development openly in a supportive way. The staff is so timely and comprehensive in their communications to us. I so appreciate that. One more reason I’m happy we chose VCA.

The Viss Family


As parents, we view our children’s education as our responsibility. Education is not simply the acquisition of knowledge or preparation for a career. Instead, education consists of character building and training in wisdom to fulfill God’s purposes for us while responding to and living in this world. If our main purpose is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever,” then we cannot choose an education that denies or diminishes God’s role in this world. Education is not neutral but is based on the worldviews presented in curriculum and its presentation. At VCA, we are confident that the teachers are giving credit and glory to God in every subject area consistent with the values that our children learn at church and at home. We chose to surround our children with role models not only in their teachers but in the families that make up the VCA community. In this environment, our children are not sheltered or removed from the world but are instead being prepared for what lies ahead. VCA has given us the opportunity to have them nurtured in their faith, training them to be “grounded in Christ and ready for the world,” so they can use their God-given talents to be good and faithful servants in any environment.

The Bogue Family


My name is Ashton Bogue, and I'm so glad our family chose Victory Christian Academy. I was homeschooled before coming here last year as a junior in high school, and the transition has been great for me. Our teachers are super helpful and nice and want to see us succeed. Because VCA is a small school, students are encouraged to try out extra curriculars that one may not have the ability to at a big school. Last year I was new to volleyball and was encouraged to try out and not only did I get to play, but I became the setter! I also learned how to play the flute. We are an accepting community, and always love new people! We are pushed in our education so we are able to handle the future workload and time management. I am so excited to be a senior this year even if we are doing VCA@Home since our school is so communicative and our teachers are so hands-on, continuing their regular curriculum. I look forward to being a graduate in VCA's 1st graduating class. Class of 2021. I love VCA!

The Edlin Family


We chose VCA because it was the very best option for our Senior. The combination of academic excellence, strong music, and sports programs (Go Eagles!), and teachers who fully invest in our son's personal and spiritual growth made it a no-brainer. We love that his friends/class are positive, excited about life, and love Jesus like he does - fantastic kids. It's an honor to know that he'll be in the first graduating class of this amazing school! What he is learning here will serve him very well during his university years and beyond. WE LOVE VCA!!!

The Eddy Family


We chose VCA because we believe a Christian education and environment will help nurture and train our kids to have the skills necessary for the rest of life. After 4 years in public education, it became clear that our kids weren't equipped to handle the various challenges and situations that were thrown at them in a public school environment. VCA has provided a stable and safe place for our kids to learn and grow academically, socially, and spiritually. We are so thankful for this excellent school and the support they provide our family. Thank you VCA for this amazing partnership!

The Cunningham Family


When our children began their school experience many years ago, we chose to enroll them in private Christian school because that was where I was working part time. As the years passed and we considered other options along the way, talking with other friends and family, we realized what a blessing our school community was. My husband and I attended public school all of our lives, so Christian school was a new experience for me, and I was so thankful for the community for us as parents and for our children, and for the biblical basis they were learning from.

Several years down the road, we found out our school was closing and we began looking at different options with our kids, who were now all in high school. They had been through a lot, as many of our local high schoolers have been these past few years, so the community they were going to be a part of really mattered to us even more than ever. We were concerned about finding a secondary school that would continue to develop their critical thinking and biblical worldview. As we researched different options, we also watched as God seemed to be doing some amazing things to bring a new school about, and before we knew it, I was offered a leadership position at Victory Christian Academy and our kids also felt drawn to be part of this fledgling community. While these first two years have been anything but "ordinary", we have had a front-row seat to the miraculous ways God has provided for and grown this school. Our kids love the community they have here, and the chance to be part of building the foundation of this special school. We are especially grateful, in our current climate, for the opportunity our kids have to wrestle with how biblical truth underscores every aspect of their learning, and how to take that understanding with compassion into the world. We are so thankful to be at VCA!

The Boyd Family


Our kids had a great Christian option for K-8th grades in Petaluma, but when it came to High School, Victory Christian Academy was the only traditional Christian school option available in all of Sonoma County. We were willing to drive to Santa Rosa to keep our child in a loving and caring environment with a Biblical worldview, high moral standards, drug and alcohol-free, community service focused environment that a Christian school offers. We immediately fell in love with VCA when we toured the school and met the principal and teachers. We knew VCA would be the school for our son's very important high school years. Small class sizes, one-on-one attention, personal relationships, amazing music program, and the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere are all additional bonuses. We LOVE VCA and highly recommend it!

The Youngstrom Family

We have been so blessed and fortunate to find Victory Christian Academy when we moved to Santa Rosa. We drop our daughters off every morning and do our special handshake. They love their teacher and their friends. The tuition is very reasonable, and we highly recommend people checking them out. We know that many have been doing distance learning and that it's been a difficult year for parents. With VCA, it has been such a positive experience. We pray, "Lord lead us with wisdom as leaders have hard conversations and make difficult decisions."

The Goodman Family

In the middle of a pandemic, our kids are thriving better here than in the past years. I am beyond blown away from how God is using the teachers here.

My kindergartener has been picking things up so quickly with his teacher. He has already learned his letters, writing skills, numbers, and carefully coloring. He has made many friends. During the last couple years in preschool and TK, he struggled learning the basics and I was really concerned. This is a big change!

My third grader has absolutely loved his teacher, even on Zoom. He’s now motivated to study at night and is doing well on his tests. I’m really glad to see the level of vocabulary and math is higher than at our public school. Even though he’s been on Zoom, he already feels connected and just met two friends during a campus day. This is major for him!

I can’t recommend VCA enough!

The Robles Family

We love VCA because it's a caring place that teaches discipline, respect, and responsibility, but the most important is that VCA teaches the love of God in a very unique way. We are not just a number at VCA, we are a family.

VCA offers an academic excellence, acquisition of skills for learning, whole child education programs, and being part of a community of students. Committed, happy, and effective teaching staff. A safe school environment. Intellectual and emotional growth fostered by the school.

We love VCA! Thank you for everything you do.

The Villafranco Family

As a single mother, I chose VCA because I believe a Christian education and environment will nurture my son and train him for the rest of his life. I wanted my son to hear, learn the word of God at school too. I have seen him grow academically, socially, and spiritually. I am thankful to the Lord that I found this school for my son. I totally recommend this awesome school. We love VCA because of the small class sizes, hands-on learning, lovely teachers, and, most importantly, they teach the word of God. My son JC loves the school. Thank you VCA for always giving your best to us!

The Jackson Family

We like to think God placed VCA before us when we needed it the most. Coming to VCA was truly an answered prayer. VCA has given our girls so much confidence- academically, socially and spiritually. Every day when they hop into the car during pick up, we can feel their excitement for being at VCA. Both teachers continuously show me their attention to detail- academically but also on a personal level. I see their care and desire to truly help these children grow up to be good citizens and good people. That, in particular, stood out to us as a family. Teachers take the time to nurture hearts at VCA. I know that's the culture at VCA as a whole.

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