Transitional Kindergarten offers children with late birthdays extra time and a developmentally appropriate curriculum to prepare them for entering Kindergarten.
For entering TK, our focus is on students being emotionally and socially ready for TK. Are they able to sit and listen for 10 minutes? Can they use the bathroom independently? Can they follow directions? Can they ask for help if needed? Can they use kind words with others? They should know most of their colors and basic shapes, be able to count at least to 10, know some letter and number names, and show some fine motor skills.
TK age requirement for entry: age 5 on or before April 2, of the following year.
Joelle Eufusia, TK teacher
Bible - Demonstrates understanding of concepts and learns Bible verses.
Math - Count to 50, writes numbers 1-10, Recognizes and names numbers 1-20, patterns, shapes, classification of objects.
English and Language Arts - Recognizes and names all upper and lower case letters.
Recognizes rhyming words, produce the correct sound for each letter.
Social Skills - Cooperative, respects others and authority, shows self control, accepts correction, follows direction, participates.
Work Habits - Works independently, uses scissors and pencil with control.
PE and Music- Demonstrates effort, participates, displays good citizenship.
Transitional kindergarten can benefit both the student and the school. Here are five advantages of TK...
• Students are better positioned for academic success, which makes them less likely to be placed in special education or held back in later grades
• Allows time and space for young learners to develop socially and emotionally while building academic skills
• Students have time to develop social and self-regulation skills alongside academic skills
• Children are better prepared to succeed in kindergarten
• Students are more confident communicators because they’ve had time to build vital social skills
We offer 1/2 day and full day schedules -
8:40 - Line up
8:50 - 9:00 - Music with Miss Bundgard
9:00 - 9:50 - Morning carpet time, calendar, Bible, teacher-directed free play (Wed. Chapel)
9:50 - 10:20 - Snack recess, bathroom
10:30 - 11:45 - Language and literacy - Handwriting Centers M, W, F - Math Centers T, TH
11:45 - 12:30 - Lunch recess, bathroom
Mid-day dismissal can be either at 11:45 or 12:30.
12:45 - 1:15 - Rest time
1:20 - 2:20 - Afternoon enrichment (times vary on M and T)
Enrichment - M PE, T Arts/Crafts, W Science/Social Studies, TH Library, F Social skills/Manners
2:20 - 3:00 - Closing carpet time, free play or recess (Wed. out at 2:25)
Request Information
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Fill out our quick online form with your full name, email address, phone number, and the grade your interested in.
That's it! We can connect you with our admissions team
to discuss your questions and guide you through
the application process.