The ABCs of VCA - 26 letters of the alphabet, highlighting our offerings and why someone should attend VCA.
Victory Christian Academy is a part of the Middle School Sports League and the North Bay CIF Sports League. Our Athletic Director Mr. Joe Mitten, along with one our Board of Director overseeing Athletics, Kevin O'Malley put together an amazing program last year, and we look forward to another great program.
B is for Biblical Integration
VCA is a Christian school that offers a Biblical Worldview in all that we do, from sports to history to science to leadership. God’s truth intersects with every academic discipline. We should draw attention to His glory in all things, helping our children to establish a comprehensively Christian worldview. This integration includes engaging with and understanding alternative worldviews.
We desire to explicitly bring glory to Jesus and disciple children in His ways. Jesus Christ is Lord over all. We have weekly chapels to worship and praise Him and get together to pray and lift each other up.
D is for Dedicated
VCA offers a dedicated staff of educators that have a love and passion for teaching. They love kids. This is what they were born to do and it shows. They have gone above and beyond in many circumstances and have put in countless hours in the classroom and suddenly in a virtual classroom where their lesson plans had to be presented differently. They work hard and we love them.
VCA offers TK - 6th grade elementary classes with small class sizes for one-on-one personal attention to each student. Our teachers get to know your child and understand exactly what gifts your child has and where they can be encouraged to explore more.
As a Christian school, our loving and nurturing ways go a long way to support your child through these critical foundational years, preparing them for Junior High and High School.
Our elementary students have access to a multitude of additional learning opportunities: a weekly Robotics class (2nd-6th), Elementary Band, Art, and sports teams through the Middle School Sports League (5th-6th) - just to name a few!
F is for Faith
We live by faith in our Sovereign Creator. We teach faith each and every day at VCA. We don't live in fear, knowing God is in control. We believe in God's promises, trusting in His faithfulness. Faith is the assurance that the things revealed and promised in the Word are true, even though unseen. Through it all we’ve been able to keep our heads above water not because of anything we’ve done on our own, but because of our strong faith in Christ. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
We are so incredibly grateful for God's guidance and presence as we venture toward another great year and for all the generous support of our great community!
God is Good! A special Bible promise is: "My presence shall go with thee" (Exodus 33:14). No matter where we go, right there is God. The presence of God - whom the Bible also calls Love and Spirit – is truly an ever-presence.
H is for Hopeful
We remain hopeful in all circumstances. As Christians, we believe our future is secured and satisfied by God. We are humble and know that God is in control. Psalm 39:7 And so Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.
What an inspiration our teachers and staff are! One of the most important gifts a teacher can provide to their students is inspiration. Motivating, passionate, positive, intentional, our teachers' influence being a role model goes above and beyond academic achievement.
J is for Joyful
True joy can be obtained in the heartfelt gratitude of God's love, mercy and grace! Joy abounds at VCA, and can be seen in the faces of our students each and every day.
The beauty of a Christian school is that you'll find kindness everywhere! The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate is on the playground, in the classroom, in athletic competition, on fieldtrips, from students to staff, it's overflowing.
Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without having an expectation of praise or reward.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
L is for Love
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
At VCA, we offer music for students in every grade! We have music classes, band, including elementary band, and choir. Our principal Mrs. Wendy Cunningham has a BA in music instruction and is passionate about using the gift of music to the glory of God! Aside from teaching music, band, and choir, to VCA students, you will also find her singing for Chapel along with other guest singers, and playing the keyboard. ACSI, Association of Christian Schools International, of which we are a member, hosts an event called Musicale, which is a two-day choir festival where choirs memorize 6 combined songs chosen by the guest conductor. Musicale also features adjudications for chamber choirs, large ensembles, small ensembles, sacred classical solos, and gospel solos. VCA sent a choir last year to Sacramento and looks forward to many years of participation. We hosted our 1st ever Christmas band performance and it was amazing! Here are 20 reasons why music is important in schools (borrowed from an article published by the National Association for Music Education):
1. Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds.
2. A mastery of memorization: Even when performing with sheet music, student musicians are constantly using their memory to perform. The skill of memorization can serve students well in education and beyond.
3. Students learn to improve their work: Learning music promotes craftsmanship, and students learn to want to create good work instead of mediocre work. This desire can be applied to all subjects of study.
4. Increased coordination: Students who practice with musical instruments can improve their hand-eye coordination. Just like playing sports, children can develop motor skills when playing music.
5. A sense of achievement: Learning to play pieces of music on a new instrument can be a challenging, but achievable goal. Students who master even the smallest goal in music will be able to feel proud of their achievement.
6. Kids stay engaged in school: An enjoyable subject like music can keep kids interested and engaged in school. Student musicians are likely to stay in school to achieve in other subjects.
7. Success in society: Music is the fabric of our society, and music can shape abilities and character. Students in band or orchestra are less likely to abuse substances over their lifetime. Musical education can greatly contribute to children’s intellectual development as well.
8. Emotional development: Students of music can be more emotionally developed, with empathy towards other cultures They also tend to have higher self esteem and are better at coping with anxiety.
9. Students learn pattern recognition: Children can develop their math and pattern-recognition skills with the help of musical education. Playing music offers repetition in a fun format.
10. Better SAT scores: Students who have experience with music performance or appreciation score higher on the SAT. One report indicates 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on math for students in music appreciation courses.
11. Fine-tuned auditory skills: Musicians can better detect meaningful, information-bearing elements in sounds, like the emotional meaning in a baby’s cry. Students who practice music can have better auditory attention, and pick out predictable patterns from surrounding noise.
12. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
13. Music can be relaxing: Students can fight stress by learning to play music. Soothing music is especially helpful in helping kids relax.
14. Musical instruments can teach discipline: Kids who learn to play an instrument can learn a valuable lesson in discipline. They will have to set time aside to practice and rise to the challenge of learning with discipline to master playing their instrument.
15. Preparation for the creative economy: Investing in creative education can prepare students for the 21st century workforce. The new economy has created more artistic careers, and these jobs may grow faster than others in the future.
16. Development in creative thinking: Kids who study the arts can learn to think creatively. This kind of education can help them solve problems by thinking outside the box and realizing that there may be more than one right answer.
17. Music can develop spatial intelligence: Students who study music can improve the development of spatial intelligence, which allows them to perceive the world accurately and form mental pictures. Spatial intelligence is helpful for advanced mathematics and more.
18. Kids can learn teamwork: Many musical education programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra. In these groups, students will learn how to work together and build camaraderie.
19. Responsible risk-taking: Performing a musical piece can bring fear and anxiety. Doing so teaches kids how to take risks and deal with fear, which will help them become successful and reach their potential.
20. Better self-confidence: With encouragement from teachers and parents, students playing a musical instrument can build pride and confidence. Musical education is also likely to develop better communication for students.
N is for Nurturing
VCA offers a nurturing environment for students of all ages. We are here to care for and encourage the development of your child. We partner with you to nurture your child with Christian values that develop their character through each and every grade. When your child graduates from the 12th grade, they will be Grounded in Christ and Ready for the World.
Expected student outcomes from attending Victory Christian Academy are as follows:
Grounded in Christ
1. Christ-Like Character
VCA students have biblically formed character, ethics, and values. They personally understand how they bear God’s image and they are growing in their knowledge of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Integrated Biblical Worldview
VCA students have a biblical worldview and have had the opportunity to put it into practice. They can contrast it with other worldviews and know how to apply it to multiple disciplines.
3. Servant Hearts
VCA students proactively and gladly serve those around them. They understand how they are uniquely suited to positively shape and influence their neighbors and their society.
Ready for the World
1. Academic Readiness
VCA students have an appreciation for lifelong learning and have the diligence required to be successful. Students are academically prepared to pursue their future endeavors.
2. Relational Maturity
VCA students know how to contribute to and benefit from their immediate community. They can appreciate and interact with people who are unlike them and they know how to respectfully relate to peers and authority.
3. “All-of-Life” Skills
VCA students appreciate and have had exposure to many outside-the-classroom opportunities. They have had a well-rounded experience that included fine arts and athletics and know how to succeed in a variety of contexts.
Obedience is not a scary word for Christians. Obedience is what we pray for, and are asked to do. We understand the importance of obedience. In Philippians 2:8 Jesus showed obedience to death and death on the cross. Jesus also tells us in John 14:23 that in the same act of love for him, we must comply with whatever God has commanded for it is our duty to do so. We can show obedience to God by immersing ourselves in His word and keeping our thoughts pure. This means to spend time with the bible and pray daily, avoid gossip and negative situations, stop watching, reading, or listening to things that don't align with His principles, memorize scripture, and whatever else God tells us to do when we listen to Him. In a school setting, the benefits of teaching obedience as an overarching virtue are abundant. Here are just 2 of those:
1. Respect for Authority
When you follow the rules at school, you show that you understand the importance of rules and you respect the governing authority. We are faced with numerous rules not only in school but in daily life, and obedience to those rules shows we care about those who create the rules, whether it be a principal, teacher, police officer, or government official. Obedience to school rules also shows your teachers and principal you trust their decisions even if you don't understand the purpose behind a specific rule.
2. Personal Safety
Rules are intended to protect you. Specific rules, such as "Don't go into the boiler room" or "No students allowed on campus after dark" are written to protect against dangers. When you follow the rules at school, you demonstrate an awareness of the rules and show you believe your personal safety is important. Taking risks with your personal safety on the school campus can have dangerous consequences for you personally but also creates a liability for school administration. Safety rules are not arbitrarily written. Just as a hot stove is hands-off for a child, making sure you follow campus safety rules can keep you from getting burned by potentially dangerous settings.
Obedience is a virtue that teaches us to be humble. The spirit of obedience helps us to shed our ego and our pride. The duty of obedience requires all to give due honor to authority and to treat those who are charged to exercise it with respect, and with gratitude and good-will.
P is for Patience
Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/anger; or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties.
Patience is the level of endurance one can have before negativity. To be patient in all circumstances unlocks numerous opportunities to enjoy day-to-day life more and even to get better insight into when God is wanting to purposely interrupt our plans with his own.
The fruit of the Spirit is...patience. It is an essential Christian virtue. We need to "wait patiently" for God, to endure uncomplainingly the various forms of sufferings, wrongs and evils that we meet with, and to bear patiently injustices which we cannot remedy and provocations we cannot remove.
At VCA, we encourage patience at every opportunity.
Being quiet is not only part of how we obey and glorify the King (Job 36:10-12), it is also how we bless others as we are lovingly quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19). Silence is thus an unspoken virtue: part of the church’s vocation and the Christian’s delight.
Borrowed from an online article (linked here
Five Biblical Reasons to be Silent
1. Obedience - Simply put, you can’t obey if you are not silent to listen.
2. Self-control - The silence linked with obedience also manifests self-control, a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).
3. Wonder - We honor God when were are in awe of him. We are made in his image and therefore bring him glory in our humble silence.
4. Rest - As a parallel to wonder in light of God’s salvation, silence is a blessed product of the rest that we have in him. Knowing that God is our God prompts us to “be still” (Ps. 46:10). Even in the face of uncertainty and suffering, the psalmist can say, “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation . . . for my hope is from him” (Ps. 62:1, 5).
5. Wisdom - Silence as a form of wisdom is frequently encouraged in Proverbs.
R is for Ready
Grounded in Christ. Ready for the World.
Not just our tagline, but our mission.
We exist, in partnership with families, to provide a nurturing and challenging educational experience in a Christ-centered community, where students are renewed in the image of their Creator and are equipped to live out their God-given purpose for His glory and the good of others.
VCA students proactively and gladly serve those around them. They understand how they are uniquely suited to positively shape and influence their neighbors and their society.
This is also one of our expected student outcomes.
This photo is from a clothing drive where our students and families collected truckloads full of clothes for those in need.
T is for Transitional Kindergarten
Year after year, we are growing, just as we set out to do, and splitting Kindergarten and TK (Transitional Kindergarten) classes was a blessing to our class offerings at VCA last school year. We continue to grow and thrive!
For our families desiring a Christian education, this has been a blessing to our community to offer TK!
2024/2025 School Year Still has openings for TK! Call us for a Tour! The more enrolled students we have, the more we can grow. Please pray for our continued healthy growth for many years to come.
We are unwavering in our Faith and Christian values. We trust God with our lives more than we trust ourselves. It means that we trust His timing even when we might be running out of patience. We know His ways are perfect. As Christians, we are at peace knowing God is in control. We teach those Christian values to our students each and every day.
V is for Victory
When looking at names for our new school last year, we didn't realize at the time how perfect our name would be for us. What a victory our first year was! With so many accomplishments even in the face of a pandemic, we are so, so thankful. We look forward to many more victories.
As Christians, we worship God in order to thank Him for His love, and grace and mercies, to ask for forgiveness for our sins, and to listen and hear what God wants from us, so that we might obey Him. We sing our praises and show our appreciation to God for sending his only son, Jesus, to give the ultimate sacrifice in order to save us. We give our all to Him who gave His all for us.
Worship is essential to us and offered in our weekly Chapels for both elementary and secondary levels.
X is for X-Factor
Our undeniable X-Factor is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
We hold to the historic Christian faith as taught in the Bible and summarized in our Statement of Faith on our website here.
Yearning is a wistful or melancholy longing.
We yearn for the Lord.
We yearn for years of continued growth of Victory Christian Academy in Santa Rosa.
We yearn for students to be Grounded in Christ and Ready for the World.
We yearn to be physically together again in a classroom soon.
We yearn, and our prayers will be answered.
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:8
Z is for Zealous
Zeal is dedication or enthusiasm for something. If you have zeal, you're willing, energized, and motivated. Also, a devotion to God.
VCA is zealous in creating a campus and student body that acts in kindness and goodness toward others.
We are passionate and enthusiastic about all that we have to offer. We are the only TK-12th grade private Christian day school in our area. Help us spread the word. We want to grow our school year after year, and we need your help. Be zealous with us, and join our efforts in increasing enrollment. This year already, we've increased our enrollment by about 20%. Please help us continue that upward trend. Thank you!
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