Please take some time to review the VCA Parent/Student Handbook. 

VCA's vision, mission and day-to-day policies. 7-12 students should be aware of these as well. Good places to start are:

  • Reviewing vision, mission and statement of faith for VCA (it's good to remember why we are all here!)
  • Contact information and operating hours
  • Student life section: includes things like dress code, conduct expectations
  • Attendance
  • Grading policies, Homework
  • Athletics
VCA Board - How you can Communicate



Board meetings: generally every 3-4 weeks. 

See FACTS calendar

Annual Family Meeting coming in October

  • Direction of the school
  • Successes
  • Challenges
  • Finances
  •  School culture… & more

How to Partner Together

Tech Articles for Parents

Click the Names of the articles below:

Internet Filtering and Monitoring

Social Media


Video Games


We exist, in partnership with families, to provide a nurturing and challenging educational experience in a Christ-centered community, where students are renewed in the image of their Creator and are equipped to live out their God-given purpose for His glory and the good of others.


Existimos, en asociación con las familias, para brindar una experiencia educativa enriquecedora y desafiante en una comunidad centrada en Cristo, donde los estudiantes son renovados a la imagen de su Creador y están equipados para vivir el propósito que Dios les dio para Su gloria y el bien, de otros.

Fundamentado en Cristo, listo para el mundo.



We desire to explicitly bring glory to Jesus and disciple children in His ways. Jesus Christ is Lord over all; therefore, following Him impacts every area of our lives and person, not segments or compartments.


God’s truth intersects with every academic discipline. We should draw attention to His glory in all things, helping our children to establish a comprehensively Christian worldview. This integration includes engaging with and understanding alternative worldviews.


Developing the mind is an important part of any believer’s spiritual maturity. We aim to instruct our children with excellence and creativity, maintaining high academic standards without making an idol out of academic achievement.


We express our love for God through our love for others. We desire to be a source of edifying friendship, inter-generational service, and a model of biblical respect and love between students, parents and teachers. Our children learn by imitating good models, therefore we place a high value on retaining exemplary Christian staff.


Biblical maturity includes more than a developed intellect. We desire for our students to be characterized by wisdom and the fruit of the Spirit. The transformation of character occurs inside the classroom, on the practice field and in the band room. Transformation occurs in community with others, whether it be serving alongside peers, traveling to a band event or sharing in spiritually enriching experiences. We want our students to benefit from and to be prepared for all of life’s classrooms.


We view this school as the cooperative effort and responsibility of students, parents, local churches and staff. This means that we value clear and timely communication and also that we consistently uphold school policies. In order to facilitate transparency, we will regularly and clearly report the school’s financial position. We pledge to manage the funds entrusted to the school with integrity and in alignment with our stated mission and purpose.



Deseamos explícitamente traer gloria a Jesús y discipular a los niños en Sus caminos. Jesucristo es Señor sobre todo; por lo tanto, seguirlo impacta cada área de nuestra vida y de nuestra persona, no segmentos o compartimentos.


La verdad de Dios se cruza con cada disciplina académica. Debemos llamar la atención sobre Su gloria en todas las cosas, ayudando a nuestros hijos a establecer una cosmovisión integralmente cristiana. Esta integración incluye involucrarse y comprender visiones del mundo alternativas.


Desarrollar la mente es una parte importante de la madurez espiritual de cualquier creyente. Nuestro objetivo es instruir a nuestros niños con excelencia y creatividad, manteniendo altos estándares académicos, sin convertir el logro académico en un ídolo.


Expresamos nuestro amor a Dios a través de nuestro amor por los demás. Deseamos ser una fuente de amistad edificante, servicio intergeneracional y un modelo de respeto y amor bíblico entre estudiantes, padres y maestros. Nuestros niños aprenden imitando buenos modelos, por lo que valoramos mucho retener personal cristiano ejemplar.


La madurez bíblica incluye más que un intelecto desarrollado. Deseamos que nuestros estudiantes se caractericen por la sabiduría y el fruto del Espíritu. La transformación del carácter ocurre dentro del aula, en el campo de práctica y en la sala de banda. La transformación ocurre en comunidad con otros, ya sea sirviendo junto a compañeros, viajando a un evento de banda o compartiendo experiencias espiritualmente enriquecedoras. Queremos que nuestros estudiantes se beneficien y estén preparados para todas las aulas de la vida.


Vemos esta escuela como el esfuerzo cooperativo y la responsabilidad de los estudiantes, padres, iglesias locales y personal. Esto significa que valoramos la comunicación clara y oportuna y también que defendemos consistentemente las políticas escolares. Para facilitar la transparencia, informaremos periódica y claramente la situación financiera de la escuela. Nos comprometemos a administrar los fondos confiados a la escuela con integridad y en alineación con nuestra misión y propósito declarados.

Victory Christian Academy...

...admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students of the school. VCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and other school administered programs.

Victory Christian Academy...

...admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color u origen nacional o étnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes de la escuela. VCA no discrimina por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional o étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, becas y otros programas administrados por la escuela.

Request Information


Enter your email then click the "INFO" button.

Fill out our quick online form with your full name, email address, phone number, and the grade your interested in.

That's it! We can connect you with our admissions team

to discuss your questions and guide you through

the application process.