Fill out and drop off at the VCA office if your student needs to take prescription medications (including EpiPens) or you would like them to be able to bring medications like Tylenol to school.
Health Service Form
Sports Physicals/Vaccinations
Check with your child's doctor to be sure that they are up-to-date on their vaccinations required for school. (check it out here: OR, if you have a high school student who would like to play sports, please schedule a physical over the summer and have your doctor fill out a form or use this one provided by VCA.
Driver Authorization Form
If you would like to drive on field trips or athletic events, you must fill out a driver authorization form and bring a copy of your driver's license and insurance declaration form.
Parent/Student Handbook
Parent/Student Handbook- Please take some time over the summer to review the VCA Parent/Student Handbook. We recognize that it is a lot of information, but we wanted there to be a resource available to you that would be transparent and thorough in reflecting VCA's vision, mission and day-to-day policies. 7-12 students should be aware of these as well. Good places to start are:
- Reviewing vision, mission and statement of faith for VCA (it's good to remember why we are all here!)
- Contact information and operating hours
- Student life section: includes things like dress code, conduct expectations
- Attendance
- Grading policies, Homework
- Athletics