Victory Christian Academy is committed to serving our students safely with in-person instruction. We have TK-12th grade on campus for full-time in-person instruction 5 days per week.
Update 2/28/2022
In accordance with updated CDC guidelines, the state of California has announced that students in K-12 schools in California will no longer be required to wear masks indoors beginning March 12th, regardless of vaccination status. Masking is recommended by the state, but not required. Students who wish to mask at school for their protection are welcome to, and VCA will maintain a supply of KN95 masks in the office for individuals who wish to mask indoors.
Link to Governor's press release:
Please see the latest updates below or at this link.
VCA COVID-19 Updates
Please note the most recent changes to COVID protocols at VCA, due to updates in guidance from CDPH (CA Dept. of Health) and the CA Dept. of Education’s K-12 guidance in January of 2022.
Exposure to COVID-19: The guidance on what to do if your student is exposed to COVID-19 has been updated, and depends upon where the exposure happened.
If your student is exposed to a confirmed positive COVID case at school:
o VCA will follow the CDPH Group Tracing Approach (info HERE)
o You will be notified via email of an exposure to your student in a class or on a team
o Regardless of vaccination status, your student may continue to participate at VCA under the following conditions:
- Your student is completely symptom-free (even runny nose or mild sore throat)
- You are willing to test your student between days 3-5 after exposure (antigen or PCR) and share those results with the VCA office.
- Your student tests negative on above-mentioned test
- If you do not wish to have your student tested, he/she should quarantine at home and will receive further directions from the VCA office.
If your student is exposed to a confirmed positive COVID case at home/outside of school:
o VCA will follow the CDPH general Guidance on Quarantine (info HERE)
o Vaccination status (or documented positive diagnosis of COVID within last 90 days) does impact whether your student stays home and tests or may attend school and test- but in both cases, VCA will ask you to test your student to remain at school.
o If you do not wish to have your student tested, he/she must quarantine at home and will receive further directions from the VCA office.
If your student becomes ill:
Please keep them home and have them tested, either with an antigen or PCR test. (We are finding with the current variant of COVID that antigen tests work best on day 2 of symptoms or later)
If your student develops symptoms of illness while at school, the VCA office will call the listed pick-up number for your child and ask you to promptly pick them up. (within 20 minutes)
Upon testing for COVID-19:
If your student tests negative for COVID, they should remain at home until:
o they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications
o their symptoms significantly resolve
o they are able to function for a full day at school without medicine or a nap
If your student tests positive for COVID, VCA will follow the CDPH general Guidance on Isolation (info HERE)
o Stay home for at least 5 days
o Test (using an antigen test) on day 5 or later
o Return to school can happen on day 6 if all of the following apply:
- Asymptomatic individuals remain fully asymptomatic
- If symptoms were present, they are resolving (significantly better)
- There is NO fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications
- Antigen test from day 5 or later is negative- no second line, even faint, appears
o If any of the above requirements is not met, student should remain at home for the full 10 days of isolation, unless guardians choose to test on their own again between days 6-10 and the student meets all of the criteria above at that point.
At-Home options for students who are Isolating or on Quarantine
VCA elementary teachers will follow up with families of elementary students who must quarantine or isolate to either provide work or information for joining class virtually.
VCA will provide virtual access to classroom Google Meets for secondary students who must quarantine or isolate
Please notify if your student is too ill to attend their classroom meet, and their absence will be excused.
Students who attend virtually should be present with video on, in dress code, on time for the full length of the class unless the teacher has dismissed them early.
In case of technical difficulty or meet not working: please email your teacher, then contact the VCA office for help.
The plans below were last updated on April 27, 2021.
We are required to track and report (anonymously) cases of COVID-19 within the VCA community. These are simply the cases we are aware of and are not necessarily cases that have been spread on campus or at school functions.